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Name Pak-times
Detail Welcome to Pakistan Times. This website addresses National & International Affairs; Historical backgrounds; Future perspectives; shaping our lives &; environment around us. This website is a valuable addition into the knowledge of Teachers, Students, Researchers, and People who are interested in an independent and unbiased commentary on the various issues of National, Regional & Global importance. Pakistan Times is a news site which provides latest news about the current circumtances.There are different articles,politics overviews,exclusive interviews,news about fashion, entertainment, special reports by our stringers—to be based in every district headquarter—for spontaneous reporting, sports events, business up-dates, currency rates, forex index, weather forecast, picture of the regional circumstances—with weight on the South Asian and Middle East skirmish—and of-course an all-inclusive package of the global scenario—with a pragmatic n’ truthful approach.
Type Education

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