Nueplex Cinema

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Name Nueplex Cinema
Detail Housed on the second floor of The Place is the completely first of its kind, built from the ground up and designed by world renowned cinema Architects Mesbur & Smith of Canada, the cutting edge, the state of art cinema complex, Nueplex Cinemas. Comprising 5 theaters, totaling 1100 seats and home to the 3 largest silver screens in Pakistan, Nueplex Cinemas is set to change the face of the Pakistani cinema business forever. Boasting top end 4K Digital projection systems custom designed by Christie Digital Canada, Nueplex Cinemas has been outfitted by Asia’s top cinema integration company, Eugenetek Corporation and is the crowning achievement of years of planning and implementation. Boasting the latest 3D technology, custom designed sound systems and complete digital control of all theater functions, Nueplex is years ahead of any other cinema nationwide.
Type Movies

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