Ali Raza

Check Business Detail of Ali Raza with contact information, address, google map of their location, business city and phone number of Ali Raza. You can find google map of Ali Raza including fax number, contact number, email address and website. You can also check more Ali Raza directory types like Ali Raza.

Name Ali Raza
Detail This is an intermediate level Adobe Flex Application which utilizes almost all the features of Flex Framework except charting. I’m sure that it is the first complete and commercial level application from an independent Pakistani guy. It is basically a portfolio showcase application where one can see some selected projects which I have done during my employment with several IT and advertising Companies. Application has been highly skinned to mimic the look of a Flash Website rather than a native Flex Application. This application uses rpc operations, custom popups, custom components, programmatic skins, css and actionscript based styling, sound and animation effects, transitions, tooltips, validators and formatters, Mouse and Keyboard Interaction, browser communication, filters, etc,
Type Personal Pages

Note: If This Business Belongs To You or Your Reference, and You Want To Add/Edit More Information, Then Please Contact Us at "[email protected]"

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