
Check Business Detail of Al-jazera with contact information, address, google map of their location, business city and phone number of Al-jazera. You can find google map of Al-jazera including fax number, contact number, email address and website. You can also check more Al-jazera directory types like Al-jazera.

Name Al-jazera
Detail Aljazeera means "The Island” in Arabic. Aljazeera is an international news channal. The name belongs to the Arabian Peninsula, the geographic origin of network. Aljazeera has a television network headquartered in Doha, Qatar. Established as Arabic news channel and current affairs satellite TV channel, Aljazeera has since progressed into a network with numerous outlets, as well as the Internet and TV channels in multiple languages. Aljazeera is broadcasted in various countries world of the regions. Al Jazeera is the biggest and most contentious Arabic News Channel in the Middle East, providing news reporting 24 hours a day across the world and focusing on the current regions of conflict. Aljazeera was founded in 1996, and situated in Qatar, the Al Jazeera news network is the fastest rising network between Arab countries and Arabic speaking people all over the world.
Type Television

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