Schools in Orakzai Agency

Find Information of all Schools in Orakzai Agency with contact details, google map location, phone number, fax number, email, website and all educational information. Search all Schools of Orakzai Agency on this page with their courses, fee structure , teaching staff and facilities to their students.

Govt. high school and khel

Govt. primary school alwara mela

Govt. girls primary school talai ali khel

Govt. girls primary school ain posh

Govt. primary school ain posh

Govt. primary school ahmad khel

Govt. primary school abu daag

Govt. girls primary school abi shal

Govt. girls primary school tazi khel

Govt. primary school tagha sam

Fcs mishti bazar

Govt. girls primary school dran sheikhan

Fcs chappar mishti

Govt. girls primary school saifal darra

Govt. high school kurez

I.h.c govt. girls middle school tagha sam

I.h.c govt. girls middle school spin begi

I.h.c sawab gul killi

Govt. primary school mundra khel

I.h.c govt. girls high school miro bak