Baby Names With Lucky Number 5

Baby Names With Lucky Number 5 meaning in english and urdu with origin, lucky colors, and lucky days.

Smriti recollect; recollection سمرتی
Smritiman un forgettable سمریتیمان
Smruti memory سمرتی
Sneha love; affectionate; wife of rishi sandeep; friendly سنہا
Snehaa affection سنہا
Snehala full of affection سنہالہ
Snehardh a true friend سنھردہ
Snehith be friendly سنہیتھ
Snikitha smiling face سنیکتھا
Sogand oath, pledge سوگند
Soha a star; princess سوگند
Sohalia moon-glow سوہلیہ
Sohana graceful سوہنا
Sohbat ulfat صحبت
Sohni beautiful سوہنی
Sokkammal flowering سوککمّل
Sokkanayaki moon-glow سوککنیاکی
Sokki moonlight سوککی
Solaikuil a cuckoo in agarden سولایکول
Solanlle Moon Rays سولانللے
Soledad solitude سولیداد
Somabha like the moon سومبھا
Somada like a moon سومادہ
Somadevi goddess of nectar سومدوی
Somadhar the sky; heaven صومادھر
Somaj son of the moon سوماج
Somakhya as virtuous as the moon the red lotus سومکھیا
Somalakshmi luster of the moon سوملکشمی
Somalata the creeper from which soma is extracted سوملاتا
Somali beloved of the moon سومالی
Somaraj the moon سامراج
Somashekhar lord shiva سومشیکھر
Somasindhu lord vishnu سومسندھو
Somasuta daughter of the moon سومستا
Somatra excelling the moon سومترا
Somila tranquil سومیلا
Sommer summer; summoner سوممر
Somnaath lord shiva سومناتھ
Soneesh peaceful child; free bird; goddess lakshmi سونیش
Sonjoy peaceful life; peaceful lift سونجوے
Soroush messenger angel سوروش
Sorren stern or strict سوررین
Sorush messenger angel سورش
Souad wellbeing سعود
Soubarna girl with a golden complexion سوبرنا
Soubhagya Good luck سوبھگیا
Souhard peaceful سوہارڈ
Soumak good looking سوماک
Soumava moon's light سوماوا
Soumen good mind سومین
Soumik beautiful سومیک
Soumil a friend سومیل
Soumili good friend سوملی
Soumya soft; loveable; obedient; good nature; innocent سوومیا
Soumyajit one who won beauty سوومیاجیت
Soumyakanti handsome سومیاکنتی
Soundar king of beauty سوندار
Soundarrajan king of beauty سوندرراجن
Sousan variant of sawsan lily of the valley سوسن
Soussan a flower, lily of the valley سوسسان
Souvira one of the indian raag or taal سوورا
Sparghai firespark or ember. سپرگھی
Sparrow sparrow سپرروو
Sparsh touch سپرش
Sparshla soft touch of mind سپرشلا
Speedy quick; successful سپیدے
Spes hope سپیس
Sphatika crystal سفتھکا
Sphurti full of energy سفارتی
Spirit spirit سپریت
Spoorthi inspiration سپورتھی
Sras god of study; saraswati سراس
Sravan devoted son سروان
Sreedevika lakshmi سریدویکا
Sreehari lakshmi's husband سریہری
Sreekanth sri hari; siri سریکانٹھ
Sreenikesh sri maha vishnu سرینکیش
Sreevedh lord of vedha سریودھ
Srestha the best in number and quality سریستھا
Sridhar lord vishnu سردہرا
Sridhara lord vishnu سردہرا
Srihari lord vishnu سرہاری
Srihita goddess سرھتا
Srikar causing prosperity; another name for lord vishnu; one who makes money سرکار
Srirenukha name of a goddess سررنوکھا
Sritha goddess lakshmi سراتھا
Srivatsa son of lakshmi; goddess of wealth سروتسا
Srividya the goddess of wealth and knowledge سرودیا
Srujanika unique and creative girl سرجنیکا
Steeven garland ستیون
Stephanas crown سٹفناس
Stephen protected سٹیفن
Steve crown سٹیو
Stevenn crowned with garland ستونن
Stewart steward; household guardian; form of stuart; surname; house guard ستیوارت
Stimita control ستیمیتا
Stritama a complete woman سطریتما
Su'ad good fortune سواد
Sual asked for سوال
Suba morning صوبہ