Muslim Girl Baby Names Meaning In English And Urdu

Muslim Girl Baby Names Meaning in english and urdu with lucky number, religion, luky colors and lucky days.

Moutiyah “generous” معطیہ
Mozhda “good news” مژده
Mozhdah Good news موزحدہ
Mozhdeh good news موزھدہ
Mozhgan eyelashes موزھگن
Msarrat happiness,blitheness مسرت
Muammeerah “long-lived” معمیرہ
Muantirah “brave”, “bold” معنتیرہ
Muarrifah “guide”, معرفہ
Muawadah “return”, “recurrence” معاودہ
Muawwazah “one given restitution”, معوضہ
Muawwizah restitution” معوضہ
Muayadah to give Eid greetings” معایدہ
Muayyadaa “supported”, “backed” مویدا
Muayyadah “supported”, “backed” مویدہ
Muayyah lions معیہ
Muayyidah “one who celebrates Eid” معیدہ
Muazah she was a narrator of hadith موزه
Muazza elevated, exalted ماذا
Muazzama exalted, respected معظم
Mu'azzama exalted, respected.
Muazzaz powerful, strong معزز
Muazzirah “supporter”, “helper” معزرہ
Mubaarakah auspicious, blessed, august, sacred, holy, happy, fortunate مباركه
Mubaarika variant of mubarika blessed, auspicious مبارکہ
Mubaraka blessed, fortunate, lucky مبارکہ
Mubarika blessed, auspicious مُبارک
Mubashara the good news مبشرہ
Mubashirah bringer of good news مباشره
Mubashshara giver of good news مباششرا
Mubashshira Messenger مبششرا
Mubashshirah a bearer of glad tidings or good news مباششرة
Mubassirah one who comments مبسسرہ
Mubdia Creative and Innovative مبدعہ
Mubeena evident clear مبینہ
Mubeenah one who makes something clear مبینہ
Mubera She who is innocent and respected. مبیرا
Mubina evident, clear. مبینہ
Mubinaa “clear”, “manifest”, مبینا
Mubtahil Namaz parhnay wali مبتاھل
Mudassira “soft-bodied” مدثرہ
Mudathira “clothed”, مدثرہ
Mueena “helper”, “supporter”, معینہ
Mueenah helper مینہ
Mueerah a girl who gives a borrowing. ميره
Mueidah “skilled”, “experienced”, معیدہ
Mufazzalah honorable مفزالہ
Mufazzilah “extremely honorable”, “extremely generous” مُفضلہ
Mufeeda in muslim meaning is useful مفیدہ
Mufiah obedient, compliant مفیاه
Mufidah useful مفیدہ
Mufizah “one from whom much good comes”, مفیضہ
Mufliha “successful”, “prosperous” مفلحہ
Mugheesah one who helps مغیسہ
Mughira hasty مغیرہ
Mughirah daughter of hassan مغيره
Mughithah “savior”, “rescuer” مغیثہ
Muhabbat love, affection. محبّت
Muhairah “skilled”, “talented” مھیرہ
Muhajira “one who performs Hijrah مھاجرہ
Muhandamah “pretty”, مھندمہ
Muhannaa “congratulated” مھنا
Muhannadah “soul”, “heart”, مھندہ
Muhannah well greeted”, منھہ
Muhariba fighter, one who entangles. محاربة
Muhassanah “beautified”, “improved” محسنہ
Muhassinah “beautifier”, “improver” محسنہ
Muhayya countenance, face, look محييا
Muhdah “plain”, مھدہ
Muhiba LOVING موهبه
Muhibba Loving محبہ
Muhibbah loving مھببہ
Muhibbat “one who loves محبات
Muhijdaa one who puts someone to sleep مھجدا
Muhja in muslim meaning is heart's blood; soul مہجہ
Muhjaa blood”, “heart”, “soul” مھجا
Muhjah heart's blood, soul مُہجہ
Muhlah “leniency”, “forbearance” مھلہ
Muhra Filly مہرہ
Muhsana well-protected, married محسنہ
Muhsinah charitable, benevolent محسنہ
Muhtaramah “respected”, “honored” محترمہ
Muida reviser, teacher میدا
Muiddah preparer معدہ
Muizza the empowerer, the honourer, the strengthener میزا
Muizzah The empowerer میزہ
Mujaahida variant of mujahida crusader, warrior مجاہدہ
Mujahida crusader warrior مجاہدہ
Mujahidah “striver”, مجاھدہ
Mujeeba variant of mujiba respondent, answering. مجیبا
Mujeedah “gracious” مجیدہ
Mujeera and seek help refuge with مجیرہ
Mujiba respondent, answering مجیبہ
Mujiddah “conscientious”, “striving”, مجدہ
Mujillah “strong”, “powerful” مجلہ
Mujirah “savior”, “protector” مجیرہ
Mujtahidah “striver”, “struggler” مجتھدہ
Mukai Heroine of Famous Folk Legend مکی
Mukarrama honoured, revered مکرّمہ
Mukarramah “respected”, “honored” مکرمہ