Extremity Meaning In hindi
English Word | Extremity |
Hindi Meaning | अग्रांग |
अग्रांग - noun m. |
चरम सीमा - noun f. |
छोर - noun m. |
पराकाष्ठा - noun f. |
सिरा - noun m. |
Word FormNoun, plural extremities.
How To Spell Extremity[ik-strem-i-tee]
Definition of Extremity
Late Middle English: from Old French extremite or Latin extremitas, from extremus ‘utmost’ (see extreme).
Synonyms of ExtremityA.d., Acme, Acuteness, Adversity, Apex, Apogee, Border, Bound, Boundary, Brim, Brink, Butt, Climax, Consummation, Crisis, Depth, Disaster, Edge, End, Excess, Extreme, Frontier, Height, Last, Margin, Maximum, Nadir, Outside, Pinnacle, Plight, Pole, Remote, Rim, Setback, Terminal, Termination, Terminus, Tip, Top, Trouble, Verge, Vertex, Zenith, Dire Straits,
Antonyms of Extremity
Aid, Base, Beginning, Blessing, Boon, Bottom, Center, Commencement, Help, Inside, Interior, Middle, Minimum, Nadir, Opening, Peace, Start, Success, Prosperity, Good Fortune, Good Luck,
You searched English word "Extremity" meaning in Hindi that is "अग्रांग". Extremity translation from English into Roman Urdu is agrāṃg. Extremity is a Noun, Plural Extremities.. We Spell Extremity as [ik-strem-i-tee]. Extremity meaning in Hindi has been searched 2031 ( two thousand thirty one ) times till today 10/11/2024. Get translation of the word Extremity in Urdu and Roman Urdu. Learn how to speak Extremity Word in Hindi and English. You may also find the meaning of Word Extremity in English to Hindi, Urdu, Arabic, Spanish, French, German and other languages.